Helps to make any swaddling and sleeping bag cosier and safer. Provides for a more restful, safer sleep by helping to maintain a more secure, snug sleeping position. Helps keep face and head clear reducing the risk of suffocation. Safely positions babies with reflux, colic, colds. Helps prevent flat heads, in combo with the little Safe T Sleep Head Wedge. Safer co-sleeping. Allows natural, comfortable movements
Great for visiting, air travel, camping and boating
Safe T Sleep have won the GOLD Award in 2011, 2012 and 2014 at the OHbaby! Awards. Voted Best Baby Safety Product by thousands of parents and supported by Midwives, Paediatricians, Cranio Osteopaths and Cranio Facial Surgeons.
Use in:
- Cot / Crib
- Portable Cot
- Boat
- Standard Single Bed
- Aircraft Cradle
- Bassinet (pram size wrap)
- Moses Basket (pram size wrap)
Helps prevent your baby:
- Rolling on their tummy
- crawling under bedding
- becoming jammed in a corner or bed end
- getting tangled in the bedding or swaddling
- pulling themselves up in the cot
- tryng to climb out of falling off the bed